
Join the most pioneering developer community!

Developers building with Encore are forward-thinkers, who are working on exciting and innovative applications.

We rely on this group's feedback, and contributions to the Open Source project, to improve Encore for developers everywhere. Getting involved is a fantastic way of finding support and inspiration among peers.

Everyone is welcome in the Encore community, and we hope you to get involved too!

Get involved

There are many ways to get involved. Here's where you can start straight away.

Contribute on GitHub

Use GitHub to report bugs, feedback on proposals, or contribute your ideas.

Join Discord

Connect with fellow Encore developers, ask questions, or just hang out!

Follow on Twitter

Follow Encore on Twitter to keep up with the latest. Share what you've built to help spread the word about the project.

Contribute to the project

Want to make a contribution to Encore? Great, start by reading about the different ways to contribute.

Feedback on the Roadmap

The Encore Roadmap is public. It's open to your comments, feature requests, and you can vote on existing entries.

Community Governance

We recommend everyone read the Community Principles.

If you need assistance, have concerns, or have questions for the Community team, please email us at [email protected].