Infrastructure provisioning & Environments

How Encore Cloud provisions infrastructure for your application

Encore Cloud automatically provisions all necessary infrastructure, in all environments and across all major cloud providers, without requiring application code changes. You simply connect your cloud account and create an environment.

How it works

This is powered by Encore's open source backend framework, which lets you declare infrastructure resources (databases, caches, queues, scheduled jobs, etc.) as type-safe objects in application code.

At compile time, Encore parses the application code to generate an Application Model, and Encore Cloud uses this meta data to create an infrastructure graph with a high-resolution definition of the infrastructure your application requires.

Encore Cloud then uses this graph to provision and manage the necessary infrastructure in your cloud account (using AWS and GCP APIs), and in development and preview environments hosted by Encore Cloud.

The approach removes the need for infrastructure configuration files and avoids creating cloud-specific dependencies in your application.

Having an end-to-end integration between application code and infrastructure also enables Encore Cloud to keep environments in sync and track cloud infrastructure, giving you an up-to-date view of your infrastructure to avoid unnecessary cloud costs.

Environment types

By default, Encore Cloud provisions infrastructure using contextually appropriate objectives for each environment type. You retain control over the infrastructure in your cloud account, and can configure it directly both via the Encore Cloud dashboard and your cloud provider's console. Encore Cloud takes care of syncing your changes.

LocalEncore Cloud HostingGCP / AWS
Environment types:DevelopmentPreview, DevelopmentDevelopment, Production
Objectives:Provisioning speedProvisioning speed, Cost*Reliability, Security, Scalability

*Encore Cloud Hosting is free to use, subject to Fair Use guidelines and usage limits. Learn more

Development Infrastructure

Encore Cloud provisions infrastructure resources differently for each type of development environment.

LocalPreview / Development (Encore Cloud Hosting)GCP / AWS
SQL Databases:DockerEncore Cloud Managed (Kubernetes), NeonSee production
Pub/Sub:In-memory (NSQ)GCP Pub/SubSee production
Caches:In-memory (Redis)In-memory (Redis)See production
Cron Jobs:DisabledEncore Cloud ManagedSee production
Object Storage:Local DiskEncore Cloud ManagedSee production

Local Development

For local development Encore Cloud provisions a combination of Docker and in-memory infrastructure components. SQL Databases are provisioned using Docker. For Pub/Sub and Caching the infrastructure is run in-memory.

When running tests, a separate SQL Database cluster is provisioned that is optimized for high performance (using an in-memory filesystem and fsync disabled) at the expense of reduced reliability.

To avoid surprises during development, Cron Jobs are not triggered in local environments. They can always be triggered manually by calling the API directly from the development dashboard.

The application code itself is compiled and run natively on your machine (without Docker).

Preview Environments

When you've connected your application to GitHub, Encore Cloud automatically provisions a temporary Preview Environment for each Pull Request.

Preview Environments are created in Encore Cloud Hosting, and are optimized for provisioning speed and cost-effectiveness. The Preview Environment is automatically destroyed when the Pull Request is merged or closed.

Preview Environments are named after the pull request, so PR #72 will create an environment named pr:72.

Encore Cloud Hosting

Encore Cloud Hosting is a simple, zero-configuration hosting solution provided by Encore. It's perfect for development environments and small-scale use that do not require any specific SLAs. It's also a great way to evaluate Encore Cloud without needing to connect your cloud account.

Encore Cloud Hosting is not designed for business-critical use and does not offer reliability guarantees for persistent storage like SQL Databases. Other infrastructure primitives like Pub/Sub and Caching are provisioned with small-scale use in mind.

Learn more about the usage limitations

Production Infrastructure

Encore Cloud provisions production infrastructure resources using best-practice guidelines and services for each respective cloud provider.

Compute:Cloud Run, GKEFargate ECS, EKS
SQL Databases:GCP Cloud SQL, NeonAmazon RDS, Neon
Pub/Sub:GCP Pub/SubAmazon SQS & Amazon SNS
Object Storage:GCS/Cloud CDNAmazon S3/CloudFront
Caches:GCP Memorystore (Redis)Amazon ElastiCache (Redis)
Cron Jobs:Encore Cloud ManagedEncore Cloud Managed
Secrets:Secret ManagerAWS Secrets Manager


With Encore you do not define any cloud service specifics in the application code. This means that after deploying, you can safely use your cloud provider's console to modify the provisioned resources, or use the built-in configuration UI in the Encore Cloud dashboard.

Learn more in the Infrastructure Configuration documentation.