Building a GraphQL API
Learn how to build a GraphQL API using Encore.go
Encore has great support for GraphQL with its type-safe approach to building APIs.
Encore's automatic tracing also makes it easy to find and fix performance issues that often arise in GraphQL APIs (like the N+1 problem).
The best way to use GraphQL with Encore is using gqlgen, which has similar goals as Encore (type-safe APIs, minimal boilerplate, code generation, etc).
The final code will look like this:
1. Create your Encore application
This tutorial uses the REST API tutorial as a starting point.
You can either follow that tutorial first, or you can create a new Encore application
using the url-shortener
template by running:
$ encore app create --example=url-shortener
2. Initialize gqlgen
To get started, initialize gqlgen by creating a tools.go
file in the application root:
tools.go//go:build tools
package tools
import (
_ ""
_ ""
Then run go mod tidy
to download the dependencies.
Next, create a gqlgen.yml
file in the application root containing:
gqlgen.yml# Where are all the schema files located? globs are supported eg src/**/*.graphqls
- graphql/*.graphqls
# Where should the generated server code go?
filename: graphql/generated/generated.go
package: generated
# Where should any generated models go?
filename: graphql/model/models_gen.go
package: model
# Where should the resolver implementations go?
layout: follow-schema
dir: graphql
package: graphql
# gqlgen will search for any type names in the schema in these go packages
# if they match it will use them, otherwise it will generate them.
- ""
# This section declares type mapping between the GraphQL and go type systems
# The first line in each type will be used as defaults for resolver arguments and
# modelgen, the others will be allowed when binding to fields. Configure them to
# your liking
3. Create Encore service
Now it's time to create our Encore service that will provide the GraphQL API.
First generate the gqlgen boilerplate:
$ mkdir -p graphql/generated graphql/model$ echo "package model" > graphql/model/model.go$ go run generate
This will create a bunch of files in the graphql
Next, create a graphql/service.go
file containing:
graphql/service.go// Service graphql exposes a GraphQL API.
package graphql
import (
//go:generate go run generate
type Service struct {
srv *handler.Server
playground http.Handler
func initService() (*Service, error) {
srv := handler.NewDefaultServer(generated.NewExecutableSchema(generated.Config{Resolvers: &Resolver{}}))
pg := playground.Handler("GraphQL Playground", "/graphql")
return &Service{srv: srv, playground: pg}, nil
//encore:api public raw path=/graphql
func (s *Service) Query(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
s.srv.ServeHTTP(w, req)
//encore:api public raw path=/graphql/playground
func (s *Service) Playground(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Disable playground in production
if encore.Meta().Environment.Type == encore.EnvProduction {
http.Error(w, "Playground disabled", http.StatusNotFound)
s.playground.ServeHTTP(w, req)
This creates an Encore service that exposes the /graphql
and /graphql/playground
It also adds a //go:generate
directive that lets you re-run the gqlgen code generation
by running go generate ./graphql
4. Add GraphQL schema
Now it's time to define the GraphQL schema. Create a graphql/schema.graphqls
file containing:
graphql/url.graphqlstype Query { urls: [URL!]! get(id: ID!): URL! } type Mutation { shorten(input: String!): URL! } type URL { id: ID! # shortened id url: String! # full URL }
Then, re-run the code generation to generate the resolver stubs:
$ go generate ./graphql
The stubs will be written to graphql/url.resolvers.go
and will contain a bunch of unimplemented resolver methods
that look something like this:
// Shorten is the resolver for the shorten field.
func (r *mutationResolver) Shorten(ctx context.Context, input string) (*url.URL, error) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("not implemented: Shorten - shorten"))
5. Implement resolvers
Now, modify the resolvers to call the url
service. Since the GraphQL API uses the same types
(thanks to the autobind
directive in gqlgen.yml
) as the Encore API exposes, we can just call the
endpoints directly. Implement the resolvers in graphql/url.resolvers.go
like this:
graphql/url.resolvers.go// Shorten is the resolver for the shorten field.
func (r *mutationResolver) Shorten(ctx context.Context, input string) (*url.URL, error) {
return url.Shorten(ctx, &url.ShortenParams{URL: input})
// Urls is the resolver for the urls field.
func (r *queryResolver) Urls(ctx context.Context) ([]*url.URL, error) {
resp, err := url.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.URLs, nil
// Get is the resolver for the get field.
func (r *queryResolver) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*url.URL, error) {
return url.Get(ctx, id)
As you can see, the resolvers are just thin wrappers around the Encore API endpoints themselves.
6. Trying it out
With that, the GraphQL API is done! Try it out by running encore run
and opening up the playground.
Enter the query:
mutation { shorten(input: "") { id } }
You should get back an id like MnTWA8Jo
. Pass the id you got (it will be something different) to a get
query { get(id: "<your-id-here>") { url } }
And you should get back
7. Deploy
Encore supports building Docker images directly from the CLI, which can then be self-hosted on your own infrastructure of choice.
If your app is using infrastructure resources, such as SQL databases, Pub/Sub, or metrics, you will need to supply a runtime configuration your Docker image.
🥐 Build a Docker image by running encore build docker graphql:v1.0
This will compile your application using the host machine and then produce a Docker image containing the compiled application.
🥐 Upload the Docker image to the cloud provider of your choice and run it.
Encore Cloud provides automated infrastructure and DevOps. Deploy to a free development environment or to your own cloud account on AWS or GCP.
Create account
Before deploying with Encore Cloud, you need to have a free Encore Cloud account and link your app to the platform. If you already have an account, you can move on to the next step.
If you don’t have an account, the simplest way to get set up is by running encore app create
and selecting Y when prompted to create a new account. Once your account is set up, continue creating a new app, selecting the empty app
After creating the app, copy your project files into the new app directory, ensuring that you do not replace the
file (this file holds a unique id which links your app to the platform).
Commit changes
The final step before you deploy is to commit all changes to the project repo.
Push your changes and deploy your application to Encore's free development cloud by running:
$ git add -A .$ git commit -m 'Initial commit'$ git push encore
Encore will now build and test your app, provision the needed infrastructure, and deploy your application to the cloud.
After triggering the deployment, you will see a URL where you can view its progress in the Encore Cloud dashboard. It will look something like:$APP_ID/deploys/...
From there you can also see metrics, traces, link your app to a GitHub repo to get automatic deploys on new commits, and connect your own AWS or GCP account to use for production deployment.
Celebrate with fireworks
Now that your app is running in the cloud, let's celebrate with some fireworks:
🥐 In the Cloud Dashboard, open the Command Menu by pressing Cmd + K (Mac) or Ctrl + K (Windows/Linux).
From here you can easily access all Cloud Dashboard features and for example jump straight to specific services in the Service Catalog or view Traces for specific endpoints.
🥐 Type fireworks
in the Command Menu and press enter. Sit back and enjoy the show!
We've now built a GraphQL API gateway that forwards requests to the application's underlying Encore services in a type-safe way with minimal boilerplate.
Note that the concepts discussed here are general and can be easily adapted to any GraphQL schema.
Whenever you make a change to the schema or configuration, re-run go generate ./graphql
regenerate the GraphQL boilerplate. And for more information on how to use gqlgen
see the gqlgen documentation.