Not only is it now a nicer place to rest your eyes, we've also fixed lots of bugs and removed many points of confusion.
The big star of this update is our very own off-white color, which we hope will give even the fiercest dark-mode fans a reason to stay on the light side. Still want dark mode? Tell us on Discord.
Log in to experience it for yourself!
We rely on the community to improve Encore, and we're overwhelmed by your support and encouragement. Thanks to Riccardo Re, Mokhtar Bacha, ValeriaVG, Vilhelm Melkstam, and MaxD for your bug reports and feedback!
Developers building with Encore are forward-thinkers working on exciting and innovative products. Join the conversation on Discord to see what's going on, learn from others, and share what you're working on.
Over the coming weeks we'll be adding much requested flexibility to the Encore framework, with improved support for things like: http headers in Encore APIs, middleware, and dependency injection.
As always, if you have questions or feedback, tell us on Discord.
Catch you in the cloud,
The Encore team