
Use the metadata API to get specifics about apps, environments, and requests

While Encore tries to provide a cloud-agnostic environment, sometimes it's helpful to know more about the environment your application is running in. For this reason Encore provides an API for accessing metadata about the application and the environment it's running in, as well as information about the current request as part of the package.

Application Metadata

Calling encore.Meta() will return an encore.AppMetadata instance which contains information about the application, including:

  • AppID - the application name.
  • APIBaseURL - the URL the application API can be publicly accessed on.
  • Environment - the environment the application is currently running in.
  • Build - the revision information of the build from the version control system.
  • Deploy - the deployment ID and when this version of the app was deployed.

Current Request

encore.CurrentRequest() can be called from anywhere within your application and will return an encore.Request instance which will provides information about why the current code is running.

The encore.Request type contains information about the running request, such as:

  • The service and endpoint being called
  • Path and path parameter information
  • When the request started

This works automatically as a result of Encore's request tracking, and works even in other goroutines that were spawned during request handling. If no request is processed by the caller, which can happen if you call it during service initialization, the Type field returns None. If CurrentRequest() is called from a goroutine spawned during request processing it will continue to report the same request even if the request handler has already returned.

This can be useful on raw endpoints with path parameters as the standard http.Request object passed into the raw endpoint does not provide access to the parsed path parameters, however by calling encore.CurrentRequest().PathParams() you can get access to the parsed path parameters.

Example Use Cases

Using Cloud Specific Services

All the clouds contain a large number of services, not all of which Encore natively supports. By using information about the environment, you can define the implementation of these and use different services for each environment's provider. For instance if you are pushing audit logs into a data warehouse, when running on GCP you could use BigQuery, but when running on AWS you could use Redshift, when running locally you could simply write them to a file.

package audit import ( "" "" ) func Audit(ctx context.Context, action message, user auth.UID) error { switch encore.Meta().Environment.Cloud { case encore.CloudAWS: return writeIntoRedshift(ctx, action, user) case encore.CloudGCP: return writeIntoBigQuery(ctx, action, user) case encore.CloudLocal: return writeIntoFile(ctx, action, user) default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown cloud: %s", encore.Meta().Environment.Cloud) } }

Checking Environment type

When implementing a signup system, you may want to skip email verification on user signups when developing the application. Using the encore.Meta() API, we can check the environment and decide whether to send an email or simply mark the user as verified upon signup.

package user import "" //encore:api public func Signup(ctx context.Context, params *SignupParams) (*SignupResponse, error) { // ... // If this is a testing environment, skip sending the verification email switch encore.Meta().Environment.Type { case encore.EnvTest, encore.EnvDevelopment: if err := MarkEmailVerified(ctx, userID); err != nil { return nil, err } default: if err := SendVerificationEmail(ctx, userID); err != nil { return nil, err } } // ... }